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Learn English: Advanced Academic Speaking and Listening | Coursera
This specialization covers the listening and speaking skills that non-native English-speaking students need to be successful in English-speaking colleges and universities. Native English-speaking students who would like to increase their chances of success in university courses will also benefit as well anyone interested in improving their listening comprehension skills. You will learn how to listen to class lectures and take notes more effectively. You will also improve your speaking skills for common tasks such as class discussions and presentations. In the capstone, you will create a video presentation on an academic topic.
Learn English: Advanced Grammar and Punctuation | Coursera
This specialization follows our Learn English: Intermediate Grammar specialization and includes more advanced grammar concepts such as noun clauses and conditionals. You'll also learn how to blend verb tenses effectively and how to punctuate sentences correctly. This specialization is useful for non-native English speakers who want to improve their fluency or native speakers who want to improve their accuracy in using English for academic or professional purposes.
陳文茜<<給逆境中的你>>一書的序言寫道「 誰只要能不遲不早地理解逆境哲學,逐漸對生活的冷酷與不幸,坦然接受 誰就是得道之人,此生他註定不會痛苦於太多事,也不會過度在意太多人,所以遇見逆境不是不幸,相反的它對於任何一個人都非常必要的,一個人在逆境中的體悟,決定了這一個人和其他人根本的不同。…… 逆境有時是人生最曼妙的風景,面對它最好方法是內心的淡定與從容」。