2017年6月18日 星期日

Tim Ferriss: Why you should define your fears instead of your goals | stoicism

Tim Ferriss: Why you should define your fears instead of your goals | stoicism

"The hard choices — what we most fear doing, asking, saying — these are very often exactly what we most need to do." — Tim Ferriss


 UK  /ˈdrɪv.ən/ US  /ˈdrɪv.ən/
Someone who is driven is so determined to achieve something or be successful that all of their behaviour is directed towards this aim.
Like most of the lawyers that I know, Rachel is driven.和我認識的大多數律師一樣,雷切爾也是非常執著。

mantranoun [ C ]

 UK  /ˈmæn.trə/ US  /ˈmæn.trə/

(especially in Hinduism and Buddhism) a word or sound that is believed to have a special spiritual power
personal mantra is sometimes repeated as an aid to meditation or prayer.有時候人們會反複唸一個自己選用的咒語來幫助冥想或祈禱。

a word or phrase that is often repeated and expresses a particularstrong belief
The British fans chanted that familiar football mantra: "Here we go, here we go, here we go..."人群反複高喊著那個熟悉的足球口號:「加油!加油!加油……」
From Longman Business Dictionaryinˈflection ˌpointa time when there is an important change in a business or industryThe business has reached an inflection point, and we may even see a drop in profits over the next financial year.

akinadjective [ after verb ]

 UK  /əˈkɪn/ US  /əˈkɪn/

having some of the same qualities
They speak a language akin to French.他們說的是一種類似法語的語言。


 UK  /tɜːs/ US  /tɝːs/

using few words, sometimes in a way that seems rude or unfriendly
"Are you feeling any better?" "No!" was the terse reply.「你覺得好點了嗎?」 「沒有。」回答簡短而生硬。

punchlinenoun [ C ]

 UK  /ˈpʌntʃ.laɪn/ US  /ˈpʌntʃ.laɪn/

the last part of a story or a joke that explains the meaning of what has happened previously or makes it funny

panaceanoun [ C usually singular ]

 UK  /ˌpæn.əˈsiː.ə/ US  /ˌpæn.əˈsiː.ə/

something that will solve all problems
Technology is not a panacea for all our problems.科技並非靈丹妙藥,不能解決我們的一切問題。

something that will cure all illnesses

avertverb [ T ]

 UK  /əˈvɜːt/ US  /əˈvɝːt/

avert verb [ T ] (PREVENT)

to prevent something bad from happening
to avert a crisis/conflict/strike/famine避免危機/衝突/罷工/饑荒
to avert disaster/economic collapse防止災難/經濟崩潰

extricateverb [ T ]

 UK  /ˈek.strɪ.keɪt/ US  /ˈek.strɪ.keɪt/ formal

to remove something or set something free with difficulty
It took hours to extricate the car from the sand.用了幾個小時才把陷入沙地中的車拉出來。
tried to extricate myself from the situation.我試圖從這種局面中擺脫出來。

hiccup noun (PROBLEM)

[ C ] problem that delays or interrupts something for a while, but does not usually cause serious difficulties
We've had one or two slight hiccups, but progress has generally been quite steady.我們出現了一兩個小問題,但整個進程還是相當順利。

fray verb (BECOME ANNOYED)

[ I ] If your temper frays or your nerves fray, you gradually becomeupset or annoyed.
Tempers frayed as thousands of drivers began the Christmas holiday with long waitsin traffic jams.聖誕假期一開始就有數千人開著車排成長龍擁堵在道路上,令大家惱火不已。

implodeverb [ I ]

 UK  /ɪmˈpləʊd/ US  /ɪmˈploʊd/

specialized physics to fall towards the inside with force
The vacuum inside the tube caused it to implode when the external air pressure was increased.隨著外部氣壓的增加,管內真空使管中發生內爆。

to fail suddenly and completely and be unable to operate
Their economy is in danger of imploding.他們的經濟有崩潰的危險。


 UK  /ɪnˈtæn.dʒə.bəl/ US  /ɪnˈtæn.dʒə.bəl/

An intangible feeling or quality exists but you cannot describe itexactly or prove it.
She has that intangible quality which you might call charisma.她具有一種難以捉摸的特質,你或許會稱之為個人魅力。


 UK  /əˈtrəʊ.ʃəs/ US  /əˈtroʊ.ʃəs/

atrocious adjective (VERY BAD)

of very bad quality
an atrocious film/piece of acting糟糕透頂的電影/表演
The weather has been atrocious all week.天氣整整一星期都很糟糕。
Conditions in the prison were atrocious.監獄的環境相當惡劣。

base hit in American English


a play in which the batter hits a fair ball and gets on base without benefit of an opponent's error and without forcing out a runner already on base

get into sth

— phrasal verb with get UK  /ɡet/ US  /ɡet/ verb present participle gettingpast tense gotpast participle got or us usually gotten

C1 to become interested in an activity or subject, or start beinginvolved in an activity
She's been getting into yoga recently - she does three classes a week.她最近開始對瑜伽感興趣了——她一周上三次瑜伽課。

funknoun [ U ]

 UK  /fʌŋk/ US  /fʌŋk/

style of music, usually for dancing to, with a strong rhythm basedon jazz and a tune that repeats
James Brown is the master of funk.詹姆斯‧布朗是鄉土爵士樂的大師。

fork over/up sth

us informal
— phrasal verb with fork UK  /fɔːk/ US  /fɔːrk/ verb

to give something, especially money to someone, especially when you do not want to
We had to fork over ten bucks to park near the stadium.我們不得不付了十美元以在體育館附近停車。
Hey, that's mine. Fork it over!嘿,那是我的。交出來!


 UK  /ˌiː.ziˈpiː.zi/ US  /ˌiː.ziˈpiː.zi/ uk informal or child'sword

very easy

Example sentences containing 'on file'

The details will be kept on file for six years.
Tondeur, Keith Say Goodbye to Debt (1994)
It is normal for such a warning to remain on file for 12 months.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)

stave sth/sb off

— phrasal verb with stave UK  /steɪv/ US  /steɪv/ verb staved orstove

to stop something bad from happening, or to keep an unwantedsituation or person away, usually temporarily
We were hoping to stave off these difficult decisions until September.我們希望將這些難以抉擇的事延緩到九月份。

raidverb [ T ]

 UK  /reɪd/ US  /reɪd/

C2 (of the police) to enter a place suddenly in order to find someone or something
Police officers from the organized crime division have raided businesses in centralLondon.有組織罪案調查科的員警已經突擊搜查了位於倫敦中心的一些律師事務所。

bottlenecknoun [ C ]

 UK  /ˈbɒt.əl.nek/ US  /ˈbɑː.t̬əl.nek/

problem that delays progress
Is there any way of getting around this bureaucratic bottleneck?有辦法避開這種拖拉推諉的官僚作風嗎?

put sth off

— phrasal verb with put UK  /pʊt/ US  /pʊt/ verb present participle puttingpast tense and past participle put

B1 to decide or arrange to delay an event or activity until a latertime or date
The meeting has been put off for a week.會議被延後了一周。
[ + -ing verb ] I can't put off going to the dentist any longer.我不能再拖著不去看牙醫了。


 UK  /ɪnˈses.ənt/ US  /ɪnˈses.ənt/

never stoppingespecially in an annoying or unpleasant way
incessant rain/noise/complaints沒完沒了的雨/噪音/抱怨

paralysisnoun [ C or U ]

 UK  /pəˈræl.ə.sɪs/ US  /pəˈræl.ə.sɪs/ plural paralyses

condition in which you are unable to move all or part of your bodybecause of illness or injury
Some nervous disorders can produce paralysis.有些神經紊亂有可能導致癱瘓。

situation in which you are unable to take action
political paralysis政治癱瘓狀態

trapped (træpt  )

1. adjective
If you feel trapped, you are in an unpleasant situation in which you lack freedom, and you feel you cannot escape from it.
He follows me everywhere and it makes me feel so trapped.
...people who think of themselves as trapped in mundane jobs.

phrasal verb
If you wind down, you relax after doing something that has made you feel tired or tense.
I regularly have a drink to wind down.

depressantnoun [ C ]

 UK  /dɪˈpres.ənt/ US  /dɪˈpres.ənt/

drug that slows the rate of the body's functions
Alcohol is a depressant.酒精能使人消沉。

stimulantnoun [ C ]

 UK  /ˈstɪm.jə.lənt/ US  /ˈstɪm.jə.lənt/

something that makes or causes something else to grow or develop
Tourism has acted as a stimulant to the country's economy.旅遊業成為振興該國經濟發展的一個因素。

substance, such as a drug, that makes the mind or body moreactive
Caffeine, which is found in coffee and tea, is a mild stimulant.


 UK  /plɑːk/ /plæk/ US  /plæk/

plaque noun (FLAT OBJECT)

[ C ] flat piece of metalstonewood, or plastic with writing on it that is attached to a walldoor, or other object
There was a brass plaque outside the door listing the various dentistsnames.診所外有一塊銅牌,列出了多位牙科醫生的名字和專業資歷。

The First Lady unveiled a commemorative plaque.女王陛下隨後為一塊紀念牌匾揭幕。

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishhigh stakesa) if the stakes are high when you are trying to do something, you risk losing a lot or it will be dangerous if you fail Climbing is a dangerous sport and the stakes are high.b) if the stakes are high when you are doing something such as playing a card game, you risk losing a lot of money We’re playing for high stakes here.
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishun‧a‧bat‧ed /ˌʌnəˈbeɪtɪd◂/ adjectiveadverb  continuing without becoming any weaker or less violent The storm continued unabated throughout the night. his unabated ambition

unabatedadjective [ usually after verb ]

 UK  /ˌʌn.əˈbeɪ.tɪd/ US  /ˌʌn.əˈbeɪ.t̬ɪd/formal

without becoming weaker in strength or force
The fighting continued unabated throughout the night.整個晚上戰鬥一直很激烈。


infractionnoun [ C or U ]

 UK  /ɪnˈfræk.ʃən/ US  /ɪnˈfræk.ʃən/ formal

an occasion when someone breaks a rule or law
Any attempt to influence the judges will be seen as an infraction of the rules.任何影響法官執法的企圖都將被看作是違法行為。

fly off the handle

to react in a very angry way to something that someone says or does
He's extremely irritable - he flies off the handle at the slightest thing.他極容易發火——芝麻大的小事都能讓他大發雷霆。

quarterbacknoun [ C ]

 UK  /ˈkwɔː.tə.bæk/ US  /ˈkwɔːr.t̬ɚ.bæk/ mainly us

in American football, the player who receives the ball at the start of every play and tries to move it along the field
Cato, a Tragedy

all-timeadjective [ before noun ]

 UK  /ˌɔːlˈtaɪm/ US  /ˌɑːlˈtaɪm/

An all-time high, lowbest, etc. is the highestlowestbest, etc. level that has ever been.
After three years of drought, the water in the lake had reached an all-time low.遭受三年乾旱後,該湖水位達到歷史最低點。


 UK  /ɪmˈpæs.ɪv/ US  /ɪmˈpæs.ɪv/

If someone's face is impassive, it expresses no emotion, because the person seems not to be affected by the situation they are experiencing.

conjureverb [ I or T ]

 UK  /ˈkʌn.dʒər/ US  /ˈkʌn.dʒɚ/

to make something appear by magic, or as if by magic
In an instant, the magician had conjured (up) a dove from his hat.魔術師眨眼間便從他的帽子裡變出了一隻鴿子。

stoicismSo around 300 BC in Athens, someone named Zeno of Citium taught many lectures walking around a painted porch, a "stoa." That later became "stoicism." And in the Greco-Roman world, people used stoicism as a comprehensive system for doing many, many things. But for our purposes, chief among them was training yourself to separate what you can control from what you cannot control, and then doing exercises to focus exclusively on the former. This decreases emotional reactivity, which can be a superpower.noun [ U ]

 UK  /ˈstəʊ.ɪ.sɪ.zəm/ US  /ˈstoʊ.ɪ.sɪ.zəm/ formal

the quality of experiencing pain or trouble without complaining or showing your emotions
He endured the pain of his wounds with great stoicism.他以極大的克制力強忍住傷口的劇痛。


 UK  /ˈhaɪ.laɪt/ US  /ˈhaɪ.laɪt/

highlight noun (BEST PART)

B2 [ C ] the best or most excitingentertaining, or interesting part of something
Highlights of the match will be shown after the news.比賽的精彩部分將在新聞之後播出。

reel noun [ C ] (DANCE)

fast Scottish or Irish dance, or the music for this

at bat  also at-bat

Word forms: at bats
countable noun
In baseball, an at bat is a turn at hitting the ball.
Alfonzo finally hit a homer in his 150th at bat of the season.

bipolar disordernoun [ U ]

 UK  /baɪˈpəʊ.lə dɪˌsɔː.dər/ US  /baɪˈpoʊ.lɚ dɪˌsɔːr.dɚ/

mental illness causing someone to change often from beingextremely excited to being very depressed


 UK  /məˈθɒd.ɪ.kəl/ US  /məˈθɑː.dɪ.kəl/

Methodical people do things in a very orderedcareful way.
Tom is a very methodical person and writes lists for everything.湯姆是個非常有條理的人,他把要做的每件事都一一列出。

precipicenoun [ C ]

 UK  /ˈpres.ɪ.pɪs/ US  /ˈpres.ə.pɪs/

a very steep side of a cliff or a mountain
The film opens with a shot of a climber dangling from a precipice.電影開始時是一個登山者懸在峭壁上的鏡頭。

dangerous situation that could lead to harm or failure
This latest tax increase may push many small companies over the financial precipice.最近的這次增稅可能會使許多小公司的財務陷入險境。

full-blownadjective [ before noun ]

 UK  /ˌfʊlˈbləʊn/ US  /ˌfʊlˈbloʊn/ also fully blown

full-blown AIDS晚期愛滋病

And I did find a quote that made a big difference in my life, which was, "We suffer more often in imagination than in reality," by Seneca the Younger, who was a famous Stoic writer. That took me to his letters, which took me to the exercise, "premeditatio malorum," which means the pre-meditation of evils. In simple terms, this is visualizing the worst-case scenarios, in detail, that you fear, preventing you from taking action, so that you can take action to overcome that paralysis.

Just thinking my way through problems doesn't work. I needed to capture my thoughts on paper. So I created a written exercise that I called "fear-setting," like goal-setting, for myself. It consists of three pages. Super simple.

Page three. This might be the most important, so don't skip it: "The Cost of Inaction." Humans are very good at considering what might go wrong if we try something new, say, ask for a raise. What we don't often consider is the atrocious cost of the status quo — not changing anything. So you should ask yourself, if I avoid this action or decision and actions and decisions like it, what might my life look like in, say, six months, 12 months, three years? Any further out, it starts to seem intangible. And really get detailed — again, emotionally, financially, physically, whatever.