TD Ameritrade
How do I wire funds into my TD Ameritrade account?
You can deposit funds into your TD Ameritrade account via a wire transfer at no charge from TD Ameritrade. Domestic wires typically require one business day to process while foreign wires require between two to three business days.
Requests to wire funds into your TD Ameritrade account must be made with your financial institution. To do this, provide your financial institution with the following information:
Send wire transfers to TD Ameritrade as follows:
420 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, CA 94104
ABA transit routing # 121000248
For credit to:
TD Ameritrade Clearing, Inc.
Account # 4123214561
For benefit of:
Account #
Your name
Your address
* Required for timely and accurate processing of your wire request.
You must provide your name and account number for your bank to complete the process. Contact TD Ameritrade, and not Wells Fargo Bank, with questions or concerns about wire transfers.
Wire deposit guidelines:
- Requests to wire funds into your TD Ameritrade account must be made with your financial institution. Please note: For your transfer to be credited to your account, your bank must include the sender name and TD Ameritrade account number on the wire. A rejected wire may incur a bank fee. All wires sent from a third party are subject to review, require verification prior to acceptance, and may be returned.
- Either or both of the joint account owners may deposit a wire from a joint bank/brokerage account into a TD Ameritrade account.
- A wire from an individual bank/brokerage account may be deposited into a Joint TD Ameritrade account if that person is one of the TD Ameritrade account owners.
美國券商電匯(國際匯款)圖文教學詳解 - 以國泰世華銀行為例 (2017-04-16 更新) HC愛筆記 財經部落格
- 簡單搞懂國際匯款費用和"全額到" - Rib的投資學習筆記
- 綠角財經筆記: 國際匯款作業流程(Telegraph Transfer: Serial Payment and Cover Payment)
所謂電匯(Telegraph transfer,常簡寫為T/T),指的是以電報通訊, 完成匯款所需的訊息交換。 各國銀行為了有一個通用的電報訊息規範與訊息交換平台,於1973年 於比利時成立Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication(環球財務通訊協會,簡寫為SWIFT)。SWIFT 為銀行間的電報通訊設下標準規範,也是各國金融業者的訊息交換平 台,讓全球業者可以安全與有效的進行訊息交換。 - Discover SWIFT | SWIFT