Though harsh, the soda rich waters teem with a unique form of blue-green algae which the flamingos siphon through fine combs in their beaks.
- 鳥喙型態之淺談
因嘴喙型態與覓食方式特殊演化出之個體。上喙內彎龐大的鳥喙。全世界有五種紅鶴,上喙隆起龐大向內彎曲,下喙較小由上喙包住,覓食時會低 頭以上喙放入水中向前行進來濾食水中藻類為食。 - 喙
- 東非蘇打粉工廠 恐干擾湖區紅鶴繁殖
Lake Natron, in the Great Rift Valley, is known as a soda lake because of its high concentration of sodium carbonate.
- 碳酸鈉,俗名蘇打、純鹼、洗滌鹼,生活中亦常稱「鹼」。
- 單足而立- 智利紅鶴
- Flamingo flies the coop 紅鶴飛出籠
She's in a very vulnerable state. She was seen feeding off the algae in a waterlogged field, but otherwise we don't know how she's managing to get food. We just want to get her back as soon as possible.