2017年5月5日 星期五

蔣勳念誦金剛經 ( 日本永觀堂鐘聲 )

2017如何將資金從TD Ameritrade 電匯回台灣?International Wire (to send money to an international bank)


  • 總共大概需要一個半天的時間,速度還算可以,總費用只有10美金(支付台灣這邊的銀行),TD Ameritrade 端並沒有收取任何費用最後還要提醒各位,當你匯回超過100萬台幣價值的話,記得要申報海外所得,關於報稅、海外所得的部份,請參考此文,這裡就不詳述了。(HC愛筆記 財經部落格)

美國券商TD Ameritrade雖然好用,但是距離遙遠造成許多人有心理障礙,不管匯錢到美國或匯回台灣,都要謹慎小心。只要按照步驟,一步一步來,就能把錢弄回台灣,不管你要做公益、娶老婆、買超跑、買豪宅、搞小三(誤),都能實現,還是要看個人的口袋深淺啦。下載官方的國際電匯申請書,印出手寫,要國際匯款必須說明具體的理由,將文件填寫好掃描或拍照,以TD Ameritrade內部郵件系統傳送夾帶的檔案

以TD Ameritrade內部郵件系統傳送夾帶的檔案

1. 填寫TD國際電匯申請書,填寫方式教學可參考:

How do I connect my account to make a wire withdrawal?
  1. Go to My Account > Deposits & Transfers > Account/Bank Connections and choose "Wire" from the left menu.
  2. Answer the “Help me choose” questions, or select from the following choices:

  • International wire (To send money to an international bank)

    New international wire connection 
    1. Print an International Wire Request form
    2. On the form, explain the specific reason you are requesting this wire. We're required by law to collect this information, and your request may be delayed if you don't provide a specific purpose.

    3. Send the form to us:

      Fax: 800-875-5485

      TD Ameritrade, Inc.
      P.O. Box 2209
      Omaha, NE 68103-2209
      Attn.: Wire department
    TD 傳真號碼 ,從台灣傳到美國記得加國際冠碼和美國國碼:002-1-800-875-5485

    Q: 如果需要用到國際傳真(或國內傳真),有沒有什麼簡便又免費的方法?

    2017國泰世華銀行全額到匯只要600元 How do I wire funds into my TD Ameritrade account? (電匯Telegraph Transfer,常簡寫為T/T)


    TD Ameritrade
    How do I wire funds into my TD Ameritrade account?
    You can deposit funds into your TD Ameritrade account via a wire transfer at no charge from TD Ameritrade. Domestic wires typically require one business day to process while foreign wires require between two to three business days.
    Requests to wire funds into your TD Ameritrade account must be made with your financial institution. To do this, provide your financial institution with the following information:

       Send wire transfers to TD Ameritrade as follows:

    Wells Fargo Bank, NA
    420 Montgomery Street
    San Francisco, CA 94104
    ABA transit routing # 121000248 

    For credit to:
    TD Ameritrade Clearing, Inc.
    Account # 4123214561

    For benefit of:
    Account # 
    Your name

    Your address
    * Required for timely and accurate processing of your wire request.

    (HC愛筆記 財經部落格)

    You must provide your name and account number for your bank to complete the process. Contact TD Ameritrade, and not Wells Fargo Bank, with questions or concerns about wire transfers.
    Wire deposit guidelines:
    • Requests to wire funds into your TD Ameritrade account must be made with your financial institution. Please note: For your transfer to be credited to your account, your bank must include the sender name and TD Ameritrade account number  on the wire. A rejected wire may incur a bank fee. All wires sent from a third party are subject to review, require verification prior to acceptance, and may be returned.
    • Either or both of the joint account owners may deposit a wire from a joint bank/brokerage account into a TD Ameritrade account.
    • A wire from an individual bank/brokerage account may be deposited into a Joint TD Ameritrade account if that person is one of the TD Ameritrade account owners.


    代號分行名稱電     話
    傳     真
    地  址信 箱

    2017如何在美國財政部退稅支票上背書並存入 TD Ameritrade 帳戶 Deposit Slip (Non-IRAs)


      Q:如何在美國財政部退稅支票上背書並存入 TD Ameritrade 帳戶?

      在美國財政部退稅支票背書,填好TD Ameritrade的存款條,支票與存款條寄給TD Ameritrade


      因為你這一篇講到third party支票存入TD Ameirtrade的例子。讓我想到說,是否也能用相同的方式把收到美國國稅局的退稅支票,利用背書轉讓的方式存入TD Ameritrade。詢問了客服答案是可以的。
      Third party checks (e.g. husband, wife, business, etc.) payable to the TD Ameritrade account owner and endorsed over to TD Ameritrade
      You can endorse the check over to TD Ameritrade. Sign the back of the check and write "Pay to the order of TD Ameritrade / FBO {your name}. You will want to include your account number in the memo section of your check.


      1. 有道理,這樣就只需要負擔國際掛號成本,應該比光票託收便宜吧?特別對那種三年一起報的朋友,這樣做更具有經濟效益。

      在美國財政部退稅支票背書,填好TD Ameritrade的存款條,將支票與存款條寄給TD Ameritrade,郵件收件隔日,查詢帳戶紀錄,退稅款已經全額存入帳戶。所需費用是台灣寄美國的航空掛號郵資,與銀行光票託收費用比較,便宜很多。

      TD Ameritrade支票注資源文收錄:

      Check Instructions

      Sending a check for deposit into your new or existing TD Ameritrade brokerage account?

      Mailing Checks

      For existing non-IRAs, please submit a Deposit Slip with your check and mail to:
      Regular Mail: PO Box 2229, Omaha, NE 68103-2229Overnight Mail: 200 S 108th Ave., Omaha, NE 68154-2631

      Acceptable Check Deposits

      Checks must be payable in U.S. dollars and through a U.S. bank.

      • Third party checks (e.g. husband, wife, business, etc.) payable to the TD Ameritrade account owner and endorsed over to TD Ameritrade or make the check payable to TD Ameritrade Clearing, Inc. / FBO the TD Ameritrade account owner and the TD Ameritrade account number"FBO" stands for "For the Benefit Of." Example: TD Ameritrade Clearing, Inc. / FBO Jane Doe.

      2017年5月1日 星期一

      Family Album USA

      Family Album USA - YouTube

      Family Album USA - Episode 1 - 46 Linden Street

      Family Album USA - Episode 2 - The Blind Date

      Family Album USA - Episode 3 - Grandpa's Trunk

      Family Album USA Episode 4 - A Piece of Cake

      Family Album USA - Episode 5 - The Right Magic

      Family Album USA - Episode 6 - Thanksgiving Day

      Family Album USA - Episode 7 - Man's Best Friend

      Family Album USA - Episode 8 - You're Going to Be Fine

      Family Album USA - Episode 9 - It's Up to You

      Family Album USA - Episode 10 - Smell The Flowers

      Family Album USA - Episode 11 - A Place of Our Own

      Family Album USA - Episode 12 - You're Tops

      Family Album USA - Episode 13 - A Real Stewart

      Family Album USA - Episode 14 - Playing Games

      Family Album USA - Episode 15 - Second Honeymoon

      Family Album USA - Episode 16 - Full of Surprises

      Family Album USA - Episode 17 - Photo Finish

      Family Album USA - Episode 18 - Making a Difference

      Family Album USA - Episode 19 - I Do

      Family Album USA - Episode 20 - Quality Time

      Family Album USA - Episode 21 - A Big Fish in a Little Pond

      Family Album USA - Episode 22 - Career Choices

      Family Album USA - Episode 23 - The Community Center

      Family Album USA - Episode 24 - Parting Friends

      Family Album USa - Episode 25 - Country Music

      Family Album USA - Episode 26 - Opening Night