2017年12月4日 星期一

檢視券商對帳單,一年一次就夠了!(Vanguard's framework for constructing globally diversified portfolios)

ETF, Exchange Traded Funds Research, ETF Investing | Morningstar


  • The Road Less Traveled
    An Essay by John C. Bogle

  • 檢視券商對帳單,一年一次就足夠!閱讀<<不當行為:行為經濟學之父教你更聰明的思考、理財、看世界>>(Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics),作者Richard H. Thaler指出:買以股票為主的分散式投資組合,尤其年紀還輕,然後要竭力避免越讀報紙上除了體育版之外的任何東西,填字遊戲也可接受,但是嚴格禁止觀看有線電視財經新聞(頁266)。相同的觀點在另外一本宣揚巴菲特投資心法的書中再度被引用,<<巴菲特的勝券在握之道:在負利率時代,存錢不如存股的4大滾雪球投資法>>(The Warren Buffett Way, +Website, 3rd edition)換句話說:投資股票,然後乾脆都不要看信(頁258、264),而且不要每一分鐘就查看電腦、手機或其它任何電子裝置。短時間內頻繁評估績效,越會增加投資組合虧損的機會。如果你不要每天查看績效,就不會因為看到股價起伏不定而造成情緒不安。你持有得越久,就越不會看到股價的波動性。

    • 7 best pieces of money advice from man who retired at age 34 - Business Insider
      Once you've created a simple portfolio of low-cost, diversified index funds and are taking advantage of all the tax-advantaged accounts available to you, set up automated monthly investments and then ignore your portfolio completely. Humans are terrible investors, so if you can take your brain and emotions out of it, you'll not only be less stressed during the inevitable market drops but you'll also end up with a lot more money.


    確實執行資產配置,透過美國券商,定期定額買進低成本指數型基金(全市場ETF),每年一月下單一次,同時再平衡回復標的比例,考量通貨膨脹,投入的本金可以逐年調高7%,依據年齡調整股債比例,最好終生持有,降低周轉率節省成本,準備好緊急預備金放定存,才不會因為手邊沒有現金過活而被迫賣掉股票跟債券,當崩盤跟空頭市場真的發生,才能安心度過每一天確信報酬來自世界上公司所賺的錢,只要不是世界末日,就有股利可拿,看到對帳單列出持續自動投入的項目就感到開心,輕鬆坐收複利成果,幾乎就可以丟著不管了,徹底擺脫擇時選股和追高殺低,如此才有餘裕追求人生中其它重要的面向。<<投資最重要的事:一本股神巴菲特讀了兩遍的書>>(The Most Important Thing Illuminated: Uncommon Sense for the Thoughtful Investor)是本亟需耗費腦力才能閱讀的書,用了好幾個篇章清楚交代風險,絕對有別以往對風險的認知,怎能不多讀幾遍。像是:風險意味著發生結果的不確定性,還有當不利情況發生時,出現虧損的可能性(頁96)。並不是高風險就必然會有高報酬,盲目相信一句話,結果帶來安全性麻木。高風險代表高虧損的警惕呢?作者Howard Marks鼓吹投資的目標是打敗大盤(頁33),以我駑鈍的資質無法了解大師百萬分之一的精華,承認跟不上他的思維、洞察力跟買股技能,讀完也無法拿來應用。所以,採取反向做法,趁早認清自己的能力比不上世界上的大師、專業的經理人跟研究機構。因此,只做一般人可以做到的事,這樣不也算是聰明之舉。每個人都能得到平均水準的投資績效,只要去投資每支股票都買一點的指數基金就好。這會帶給你市場報酬,剛好與市場的表現相符就打趴一半以上的投資人了。



    BNDX (Vanguard Total International Bond ETF)
    這個指數囊括全球各政府、政府機構與公司所發行的非美元計價的投資 級債券。所以,這個國際債券ETF同時包括政府債與公司債(這點跟 BND很像。BND也是同時有政府債與公司債)。 對於非美元計價的債券,這支ETF會採行匯率避險措施,試圖消敉非美元貨幣對美元的匯率變動對債券報酬的影響。 這支國際債券ETF會採行這個策略,主要是立足於美國投資人的觀點。 Vanguard 過去研究(Global fixed income: Considerations for U.S. investors)顯示,對於美國投資人來說,國際債券投資的匯率波動,會減低債券的穩定功能。 BNDX對美國當地投資人來說,沒有匯率風險。對台灣投資人來說,持有BNDX,是承擔美元的匯率風險。以我們台灣投資人使用國際債券投資的觀點來看,使用一個未進行匯率避險的非美國債券ETF,搭配上美國債券ETF,可以有效發揮自然避險的功能。純粹的投資級公債,則可以提供穩定投資組合的功能。可惜 Vanguard這次發行的國際債券ETF未能滿足這兩個需求。

    BWX (SPDR® Bloomberg Barclays International Treasury Bond ETF)
    BWX內扣總開銷0.50%。雖然0.5%的內扣費用,比起國內債券型基 金常見的0.75%經理費已經較低,但在低殖利率年代,仍是一個可觀 的成本。這支ETF的作用,在於讓投資人可以用低廉的價格(雖然再低一些更好),買進一個美債以外,全球投資級政府債券的指數化組合。BWX近年表現不佳,與美國貨幣表現不良有關。投資這支ETF,是同時投資美國以外已開發國家公債與這些國家的貨幣。 貨幣表現不好,也會拖累ETF的表現。BWX這個標的,在美元疲弱時,匯率會是績效的助力。但在美元變強 時,匯率則是績效的阻力。

    iShares International Treasury Bond ETF IGOV
    iShares International Treasury Bond ETF | IGOV
    綠角財經筆記: iShares國際政府公債ETF(International Treasury Bond ETF, IGOV and ISHG)
    以債券投資組合特性來說,巴克萊2009年發行的ISHG和IGOV這兩支國際公債ETF,其中以IGOV和BWX較為近似。ISHG則提供一個存續 期間更短的選擇。假如投資人願意多承擔一些利率風險,可以選擇 IGOV和BWX,假如投資人不願負擔太多利率風險,那麼ISHG會是較 佳選擇。 ISHG和IGOV這兩支ETF的總開銷比都是0.35%,比BWX的0.5%更 具競爭力。但BWX畢竟是發行較久,資產較大,流動性較佳。投資人必需自行取捨。




    Vanguard's framework for constructing globally diversified portfolios
    Domestic and nondomestic fixed income As we discussed with equities, a bond portfolio’s allocation to nondomestic securities is potentially a way to reduce overall volatility. Although the bonds of any one country may be more volatile than the comparable bonds of one’s home country, a portfolio that includes the bonds of many countries and issuers would benefit from imperfect correlations across those issuers. Figure 13 illustrates the fixed income global market-cap weighting by region. It’s also important to note that currency fluctuations account for a significant portion of the volatility in international bonds. For this reason, Vanguard recommends hedging currency exposure in order to decrease risk and mitigate this volatility. Although no allocation is optimal for all investors, having some nondomestic exposure can be better than none. That said, a home bias may be defensible on grounds other than pure diversification. Investors considering foreign bonds should balance the benefits against both the costs involved and the value of preserving a core allocation to their home market. 

    Sub-asset allocation within fixed income 
    Investors seeking an allocation to parts of the bond market must decide on the degree of exposure to domestic and foreign issues; short-, intermediate-, or long-term maturities; high, medium, or low credit quality; corporate versus sovereign debt; and inflation-protected issues. Each of these categories can have specific risk factors. As highlighted with the U.S. market in Figure 12, annual returns of bond market segments can vary widely as well. As with equity allocation decisions, bond investors should be cautious and understand the risks of moving away from a market-cap-weighted portfolio. For example, with the U.S. market, overweighting corporate bonds to try to obtain higher yields has had disadvantages in years such as 2008, when a flight to quality resulted in negative returns for corporate bonds but strong positive returns for U.S. Treasuries. On the other hand, seeking to reduce credit risk by overweighting Treasuries can result in lower long-run returns versus a market-cap-weighted benchmark. To try to match asset-class risk and return assumptions, bond sector weightings should generally be similar to those of the broad bond market. Exposure to the nominal investment-grade bond segments through a total bond market fund would achieve the goals of both market proportionality to those segments and similar average duration to the broad market.

    ground noun (CAUSE)

    C2 [ C usually plural ] a reason,cause, or argument:

    She is suing the company on grounds of unfair dismissal.

    [ + that ] He refused to answer on the grounds that the question violated his rights to privacy.

    From Longman Business Dictionaryground1 /graʊnd/ noun [countable usually plural]1a reason, often a legal or official one, for doing or believing somethingground forThere are grounds for optimism that the slump in the housing market may end.Are there grounds for dismissing him?The factory was closed on health and safety grounds.

    因為當兩個人不對等的時候,勉強在一起就會是很辛苦的。或者說,當你想要的東西太多,但是大部分你想要的都得不到,或者說勉強得到,擔心隨時會消失,那就更不快樂。擁有了百分之三十的成就,以「人生不如意事,十常八九」的標準來看,算是很幸福的人了,但還是會為了那百分之七十的挫折而不滿意,所以當然不快樂。要怎麼面對不快樂?我的想法是這樣,當不開心的時候,就去享受那個不開心就好了,畢竟所有的感受,都是真實的,透過不愉快的感覺,體驗自己的存在,也是蠻有意思的。負面的情緒既然無法避免,那就讓自己真實的體驗這樣的感覺;橫豎沒辦法處理,也就不要去躲避負面情緒。常常有人問我,在這段感情裡,為什麼會不快樂?我的答案大概是,我們在感情裡,都只看到自己的需求,而忘記對方要什麼。任何人都是獨立的個體,不應該被誰勉強,也不應該勉強自己。試圖要去勉強別人,所以會不快樂。許多時候,我們的相處,或許都只是在勉強對方,根本沒有去瞭解對方要什麼,只是要求對方依照自己的路線走,卻會忘記對方需要的是什麼。如果看到自己想要的東西,就要求對方給你,而當要不到的時候,對於對方會產生憤怒的能量,對於自己會產生不快樂的能量,而這樣跟搶匪的行為又有什麼兩樣? by 呂秋遠

    2017年11月23日 星期四

    TD Ameritrade 全數砍掉Vanguard 免手續費 ETF

    TD Ameritrade to Offer Largest Commission-Free ETF Program with Expanded 296 ETF Lineup
    TD Ameritrade receives remuneration from certain ETFs (exchange-traded funds) that participate in the commission-free ETF program for shareholder, administrative and/or other services.

    Partnering With Passive Fund Sponsors That Have Your Back 
    By Adam McCullough | 18 October 2017
    Successful investing hinges on putting yourself in the best position to maximize favorable outcomes. Beyond selecting a fund that tracks a well-constructed index and charges a low fee, choosing a fund sponsor that aligns its interests with its fundholders’ increases the odds of a positive investor outcome. Our research found that purveyors of passive funds that align their incentives with those of their fundholders have generated better category-relative risk-adjusted performance on average than funds from firms that seem to prioritize their own interests over investors’. Investors in passively managed funds are best served by firms that offer inexpensive products that efficiently track their underlying indexes and have long-term investment merit.

    remunerationnoun [ S or U ]

     UK  /rɪˌmjuː.nərˈeɪ.ʃən/ US  /rɪˌmjuː.nəˈreɪ.ʃən/ formal

    payment for work or services
    They demanded adequate remuneration for their work.他們要求為他們的工作償付足夠的報酬。

    In return for some caretaking duties, we are offering a free apartment and a smallremuneration.我們會為看管者提供免費住宿的公寓和一小筆酬金,以示回報。

    a remuneration package一攬子酬金方案

    TD Ameritrade 全數砍掉Vanguard 免手續費 ETF ,11月21日起,買、賣都要收手續費。

    • Firstrade $2.95美金/每筆
    • TD Ameritrade $6.95美金/每筆
    • 嘉信 $4.95美金/每筆

    TD Ameritrade 根本就是玩陰的,都養你那麼多年了,現在當然要殺,表面增加免交易費 ETF的數量,從本來的 100 檔擴增到 296 檔,10月17日生效,換成一堆爛貨(AGFiQ QuantShares, First Trust Portfolios, iShares ETFs, J.P. Morgan Asset Management, PowerShares by Invesco, ProShares, State Street Global Advisors’ SPDR Business, WisdomTree Investments),是有個屁用。實則拔掉長期投資人最好用的Vanguard司馬昭之心,路人皆知,無非就是想要開始大賺手續費。 


    1. 換券商?留下?離開?
    2. 降低投資頻率
    3. 將標的數減少
    4. 為什麼推薦開複委託帳戶?(附永豐、富邦開戶資訊)

    • 綠角財經筆記: 美國券商TD Ameritrade更改免費交易ETF名單(TD Ameritrade Modifies its Commission-Free ETFs Program)
      過去,假如採用以下的投資組合,股市:VTI+VGK+VPL+VWO  債券:IEI+BWX
    • 綠角財經筆記: 三種低手續費全球股市ETF投資組合(Three Low-Cost ETF Portfolios)
      假如用一個低手續費券商,譬如Firstrade來進行投資的話。每次交易手續費是2.95美金。VWO在Firstrade可以免手續費。所以一次買進這四支Vanguard ETF的手續費共是2.95*3=8.85美金。 過去TD Ameritrade有提供Vanguard ETF免費交易時,VTI、VGK、VPL和VWO這四支ETF,除了VPL之外,都可以免費買賣。在2017三月降價之前,TD每次交易的手續費是9.99美金。所以以前透過TD投資這四個標的的手續費是9.99美金。 所以對於想要使用Vanguard高品質ETF的投資朋友來說,TD取消Vanguard ETF免費交易的影響,可能沒有想像中嚴重。
    • 不用手續費的基金其實最貴
    • 綠角財經筆記: 道富資產管理推出SPDR Portfolio ETFs
      道富資產管理公司推出Portfolio ETF跟美國券商TD Ameritrade更改免費交易ETF名單的時間點,相當巧合。 這就讓人不禁會想,道富資產管理除了降低內扣費用之外,也可能在行銷通路方面”用了點心”。與TD談合作,將SPDR Portfolio ETF納入免費交易名單,同時排除最大對手,Vanguard的ETF,將其全部踢出免費交易名單。 不過就如同之前分析文章討論到的,ETF內扣費用低,當然是好事。但不是內扣費用較低,這支ETF就會自動成為比較好的標的。道富的ETF還有追蹤效能,流動性不如Vanguard的問題
    • 綠角財經筆記: ETF挑選的基本原則(Basic Principles for Choosing ETFs)
    • 綠角財經筆記: TD Ameritrade 2017新版免費交易ETF分析(Analysis of New TD Ameritrade Commission-Free ETFs)
    • 綠角財經筆記: 債券的殖利率 (Yield)
    • 綠角財經筆記: 基金的殖利率(Fund Yield)
    • 基金的配息成份。基金的配息 (Distribution)是由資本利得(Capital gain)與利息股利收入 (Income)兩部份組成的在計算基金的殖利率(Fund Yield)時,只計入基金的Income部份收益,也就是只納入基金因持有債券所獲得的利息與持有股票所獲得的股利。Fund yield是不計資本利得的。 Fund yield它代表過去一年基金績效中有多少成份來自於Income。譬如某基金過去一年報酬率是8%,Yield是2%,那麼就是約有四分之一的績 效來自Income。對於我們國際投資者的意義在於稅負考量。譬如兩支性質相同的基金,過去一年的報酬都是8%,其中甲基金有4%的 Yield,而乙基金有2%的Yield。在這種狀況下,因為Income收益會被課30%的稅,持有乙基金,實際能拿到的報酬會較高。另外,它是一個回顧過去的數字。它對未來有些許預測性但不準確。因為未來,基金持有的股票和債券會發出的股息利息不一定相同。基金也 有可能改變配息頻率。不過這個數字還是可以參考,讓投資人知道假如未來狀況沒有差太多,在這支基金能拿到的Income收益成份有多少。 Fund yield對於已經進入提領期,要使用基金配息來支付生活支出的投 資人,也是一個重要的數字。 
    • 綠角財經筆記: 拿起你的望遠鏡---債券投資收益評估(How to Estimate Bond Returns)
      債券本身的利息,以債券當初買入時的殖利率來代表。再來就是因為利率改變,而有可能獲得的資本利得。最後是,利息 再投資獲得的收益。債券收益= 利息 + 資本利得 + 再投資收益
    • 綠角財經筆記: 美國註冊基金的兩種配息率表示法(Distribution Yield and SEC Yield)
    • 配息率本身是個不穩定的數值。投資人常看 到某基金配息率高,然後買進,以為未來的配息會與過去一樣高。很抱歉,這和看基金過去績效做為買進準則一樣,頗不可靠。就和過去績效 一樣,過去配息高低也不保證未來配息高低。配息率本身就是一個會變動的數值。 另外,有的投資人過度看重配息,而忽略了配息與資本增減值加總而得的總回報率才是重點。就算某支基金發出了高配息,但卻本金虧蝕,這樣整體來說很可能還是虧損的。 配息率是應該要看,但不是唯一該看的數字。

    • 綠角財經筆記: TD Ameritrade 2017新版免費交易ETF分析(Analysis of New TD Ameritrade Commission-Free ETFs)

    VXUS和 VEU則是投資美國以外的已開發與新興市場。 VXUS和VEU則同時投資已開發與新興市場。


    • VTI+VXUS 
    • VTI+VEU 
    • VTI+VEA+VWO 

    TD Ameritrade來信
    We're happy to announce that we are expanding our commission-free exchange-traded funds (ETFs) trading program, nearly tripling the number of available funds to 296. Since you’re currently enrolled in the commission-free ETF trading program, we want to be sure you have all the details so you can determine how these changes can meet your investing needs. 

    Updates to Funds List 

    We will be replacing most of the ETFs currently on the commission-free ETF list with a broad new selection of ETFs from AGFiQ QuantShares, First Trust Portfolios, iShares ETFs, J.P. Morgan Asset Management, PowerShares by Invesco, ProShares, State Street Global Advisors’ SPDR Business, and WisdomTree Investments. These new ETF choices will be available in the ETF Market Center beginning October 17, 2017. 

    • Current ETFs will remain on the commission-free list through November 20, 2017. Beginning November 21, 2017, they will trade at our standard low commission rates.
    • The new list will provide access to low-cost ETFs in the same asset classes that the current ETFs provide, along with several new asset classes. If you choose to replace any current position on the commission-free list with an ETF from the new list by November 20, 2017, you will not be charged commissions for either trade. 
    Additional Program Changes 
    • New 30-Day Margin Rule: All new ETFs on the commission-free list cannot be used as collateral for a margin loan, nor can they be included in margin equity for 30 days after purchase.
    • Lower Short-Term Trading Fee: We'll be lowering our short-term trading fee from $19.99 to $13.90. This will only apply to ETFs held less than 30 days. This new fee will go into effect on November 21, 2017.

    Industry Trade Settlement Date Change
    On September 5, 2017, the financial industry will shorten the settlement cycle process for trades of
    most securities (including equities, exchange-traded funds [ETFs], fixed-income products, unit
    investments trusts [UITs], and other products comprising these types of securities) from three business days after the trade date (“T+3”) to two business days after the trade date (“T+2”). This will reduce a number of risks for the financial markets and for individual investors, including credit risk, market risk, and liquidity risk.

    What does this mean for you? After the industry completes this change, you will receive payment faster after you sell a security, you will have the ability to trade a day earlier with funds from the sale of a security, and you’ll be required to provide funds to your broker more quickly after you buy a security.

    Firstrade 2.95, Charles Schwab 4.95, TD 6.95