2016年8月31日 星期三


Lee and Osborne

Write about a place you have never been before. What would would you like to learn?


How To Write About A Real Location If You Haven't Been There | The Creative Penn
1.Use your book as an excuse for a trip!
2.Guidebooks, online travel sites and other books/websites
3.Surf Flickr and Travel blogs
4.Google Earth
5.Google Maps Street View
6.Interview someone who has been there

Travel on the Page – How to Write About a Country You’ve Never Visited By: Chuck Sambuchino
1. Virtual Tour
2. The Little Things
3. Immersion
4. Reality Check

call on sb

— phrasal verb with call 
C1 to ask someone in a formal way to do something
They're calling on all men and boys over the age of 14 to join the army.他們號召所有14歲以上的男子參軍。
formal I now call on everyone to raise a glass to the happy couple.現在我提議大家為這幸福的一對舉杯。

call sb up

— phrasal verb with call 
mainly us to use the phone to talk to someone
My dad called me up to tell me the good news.我爸爸打電話告訴了我這個好消息。

2016年8月30日 星期二

第163次例會How to Make Friends as a Grown-Up

Place:Masa Loft -- 台南市東區大學路西段53號
14:30~15:30 Free Talk Session
15:30~15:50 Speech Session
15:50~16:00 Change Group and then Break Time
16:00~17:15 Topic Discussion Session
17:15~17:30 Happy Time
Host: Grace
Assistant Host: Cherry

Topic: How to Make Friends as a Grown-up
Can you expect to make close friends once you're past your 30s?
Yes! Research shows we're replacing half our close friends every seven years, even into our 60s. It helps to know that the revolving door is a normal part of life.

"Best friends forever" ("BFF") is a phrase that describes a close friendship. Such friendships are characterized by intimacy, trust and a sense of permanence. (Wikipedia)

1. Do you think it is easy or hard to make new friends now, when comparing with childhood?
2. In this article, it mentions "BFF", what do you think it means? Do you have your own BFF?
3. Upon making new friends, are you usually the one who initiates self-introduction? How about setting up plans to meet and get to know each other?
4. Do you think you have met the perfect friend(s)? Why or why not?
5. Making new friends is great, having good friends is even more wonderful. Could you list the 3 signs of a good friend?
6. What is your conclusion from this article? Do you agree with the recommendations?

0829良品Cooking Verbs

  1. Quiz
  2. Board Game

envelope / well / worried / foreign / letter / excited / work
  1. The school teacher opened the ______ and read the letter.
  2. I'm sorry you're ill - I hope you get ______ soon.
  3. Saul is making a lot of money in a ______ country.
  4. I got a ______ from the bank this morning.
  5. They don't seem particularly ______ about the situation.
  6. An ______ crowd waited for the singer to arrive.
  7. What time do you finish ______ ?
  1. come  came  come
  2. leave  ______  ______
  3. say  ______  ______
  4. give  ______  ______
  5. make  ______  ______
  6. go  ______  ______
  7. write  ______  ______

2016年8月28日 星期日

The other Asian tiger (越南可望成為亞洲之虎)

The other Asian tiger  (越南可望複製南韓、台灣經驗成為亞洲之虎)

Vietnam, with a population of more than 90m, has notched up the world’s second-fastest growth rate per person since 1990, behind only China. If it can maintain a 7% pace over the next decade, it will follow the same trajectory as erstwhile Asian tigers such as South Korea and Taiwan.


verb [ T ]

If something merits a particular treatment, it deserves or is considered important enough to be treated in that way
This plan merits careful attention.這項計劃值得仔細考慮。


noun (plural dynamos)
A dynamo on a bicycle will power a pair of lights while the wheels are going round.腳踏車發電機在車輪轉動時可爲兩盞燈提供電力。

notch sth up

informal — phrasal verb with notch /nɒtʃ/ US  /nɑːtʃ/ verb [ T ]
to achieve something
She has recently notched up her third win at a major tennis tournament.最近,她在一項重要的網球錦標賽中獲勝,取得了她的第三次勝利。


noun [ C ]
the curved path that an object follows after it has been thrown or shot into the air
the trajectory of a bullet/missile子彈/導彈的彈道


adjective [ before noun ]


a technophile (= a person who loves technology)科技愛好者(愛好科技的人)


noun [ U ]
emphasizing or thinking of the bad part of a situation rather than the good part, or the feeling that bad things are more likely to happen than good things
There is now a mood of deepening pessimism about/over the economy.對經濟的悲觀情緒越來越濃。


noun [ C ] (OBJECT) 物體
small object used to mark someone's place in some games played on boards

pay off

— phrasal verb with pay
If something you have done pays off, it is successful
All her hard work paid off in the end, and she finally passed the exam.她的所有努力最終有了收穫——她終於通過了考試。


noun [ C ] (STEP) 台階
step in front of an outside door
Don't keep her on the doorstep (= outside the door), Jamie, invite her in.別讓她在門口站著了,傑米,請她進來吧。


a pivotal figure/role/idea關鍵人物/角色/想法


noun [ C ] (SLOPE) 斜坡
slopepath or road that goes up something
We struggled up the slippery ascent.那段上坡路很滑,我們吃力地向上走。


adjective (VERY RICH) 富貴的

larger or richer than necessary
a bloated bureaucracy臃腫的官僚機構

a bloated capitalist有錢到不像話的資本家


noun [ S ] (RISK) 風險
something or someone that causes you a lot of trouble, often when they should be helping you
After a certain age, a car's just a liability.汽車在使用了一定年限後就會變成一個累贅。
Sue always manages to upset somebody when we go out - she's a real liability.我們出去玩時,休總是讓人掃興——她真是個累贅。


controlling what people do, especially by using force
a repressive military regime殘酷專制的軍事政權


adjective (UNKIND) 不友好的

She gave a brittle laugh and turned away.她冷笑了一聲,轉身走了。

bust [countable]

4 informal a situation in which the police go into a place in order to catch people doing something illegal:


2 a situation, relationship, or feeling that is brittle is easily damaged or destroyed:
He spoke with the brittle confidence of someone who, underneath, was very worried.

1 [usually before noun] of a good enough standard or quality:
a decent salary

bar past tense and past participle barred, present participle barring[transitive]

1 to officially prevent someone from entering a place or from doing something
bar somebody from (doing) something
They seized his passport and barred him from leaving the country.

The government barred officials from forcing foreigners to buy inputs domestically. Contrast that with local-content rules in Indonesia.

Competing provinces, long a benefit, are a liability when they duplicate infrastructure.