2016年8月18日 星期四

0819你對上癮的所有認知都是錯的(English Speaking @ Tainan)

dear All,
I'm the host of this week and this time we can discuss about "addition"
Here's a brilliant TED talk for your reference: https://www.ted.com/…/johann_hari_everything_you_think_you_…
Though the main topic here mostly about drug addition however most of us are addition to something, maybe we always want to quit but never really do. (And maybe lately some people are addition to Pokemon)
So we'll talk more addition this Friday, and let's see what's the impact to our lives, maybe good or maybe bad.
If you'll join us pls leave message below.
Time: Aug 19, 7:30-9:30 p.m.
Place: 台南市大同路一段173號5F-1

約翰 海利: 你對上癮的所有認知都是錯的 | TED Talk | TED.com
上癮的原因是什麼 - 包括從古柯鹼到智慧型手機之類的一切,我們該怎麼克服它?約翰海利從他最愛的人身上,觀察到現有的方式為何會失敗。他開始思考為什麼我們這麼對待癮君子,同時也開始思考另一種更好的方法。在這個深刻私人的演講中,他的疑問帶領著他走遍了世界,並且找到了一些令人驚喜並充滿希望的思考方式來面對這個古老的問題。