2021年1月1日 星期五

為什麼有錢人投資前都看研究報告(Vanguard, Morningstar, John C. Bogle, Warren E. Buffett)?

Vanguard mourns passing of founder John C. Bogle

How much you can contribute to your investments—not the gains on them—is going to be the biggest share of your portfolio’s growth. ”Christine Benz, Morningstar 

I've been saying for years that I'm going to set up a regular investment plan. I frequently extol the benefits of adding small, monthly amounts to the funds you invest in and yet it remains on my “to-do” list. This year, however, I learned that I really need to stop procrastinating and put that plan into place.

The past 10 years have been tremendous for U.S. stocks relative to their international peers, largely because investors expected the U.S. to grow faster and it did. Now, however, higher valuations and slower earnings growth in the U.S. relative to the past decade make future outperformance unlikely. As a result, we expect that investors who maintain globally diversified equity portfolios will be rewarded in the years ahead

Lessons From the Past 25 Years
Investing Is Overrated
I'm not saying you shouldn't invest. You absolutely should. It's essential. End of story. What I am saying, however, is that investing is the attention hog in many discussions about how to reach financial goals. It's sexy, there's often a current-events hook to explain why the market is behaving as it is, and hitting it big with an investment doesn't usually require any sort of sacrifice. But ultimately, your boring pre-investing choices--like your savings rate and how you balance debt paydown with investing in the market--will have a bigger impact than your investment selections on whether you amass enough money to pay for retirement or college. (I call these types of pre-investment decisions your "primordial asset allocation.") If your savings rate is high enough and you start early enough, that can make up for some lackluster asset-allocation and investment-selection choices. The flip side is also true: If you haven't saved enough, great investment picks probably won't be enough to save you.


Implications of a Bear Market for Retirement Security
Although bear markets are difficult to endure “in the moment,” the reality is that to participate in the equity markets, investors must expect periodic downside volatility or even protracted periods of below-average returns to justify an expectation of long-term growth beyond that achievable by bonds, cash, or other less risky investments. And although the 2000s, a period characterized by two severe bear markets, have certainly been a challenge for investors, we have shown that by following a diligent savings and investing plan, most retirees have been able to rely on their portfolios to meet a significant portion of their spending needs in retirement. In contrast, those investors who did not remain committed to a savings and investment plan over time were worse off in retirement. Going forward, because the performance of the markets is beyond anyone’s control, reacting to market volatility by substantially repositioning a portfolio offers little in the way of positive long-term impact. Instead, focusing on costs and savings rates while also ignoring the urge to alter an asset allocation may offer the best opportunities for long-term success.

How to Stay Disciplined (and Why It's Important Now)
Stick to the Plan 
Whatever investment plan you craft, it's important to stick with it and avoid making big changes out of fear or greed. That often means sticking to your long-term strategic asset allocation, regardless of what's going on in the market, and populating it with low-cost, broadly diversified funds. That's easy to understand but can be hard to do. Checking in on your portfolio less frequently and keeping the plan simple can help. With investing, less is usually more.

Risk-taking across generations
Although there may be concerns that millennial investors are too conservative as a generational cohort, we find that most Vanguard millennials are taking significant levels of equity market risk.

At the same time, a small but important group may have been affected by the global financial crisis and ought to reevaluate risk levels. We find greater risk-taking among older Vanguard investors than might be expected using conventional financial planning rules of thumb (such as “100 minus your age” to determine the percentage
of stocks to hold). This risk-taking likely reflects older cohorts’ experience with the great equity bull market of the 1980s and 1990s, as well as their broader financial wealth holdings, including the greater presence of pensions. Whether younger investors will, in the future, hold similar levels of equities as today’s older investors will depend not only on stock market experience but also on the changing nature of retirement savings.

How to increase the odds of owning the few stocks that drive returns
Historical cumulative returns of individual stocks are skewed whereby overall market returns are determined by a small minority of stocks. Therefore, all else being equal, a more diversified portfolio is more likely to hold these outperforming stocks while displaying a lower dispersion of portfolio returns. We conducted simulations of various portfolio sizes and showed that those portfolios with fewer holdings underperformed those with more holdings, leading to a higher return hurdle to overcome. Understanding that some investors may prefer to generate returns above a certain excess return target, we found that decreasing the number of holdings increased the chance of outperformance but came with an even higher probability of underperformance by the same excess return target. In addition, investors who believe their stock-selection ability is better than chance would be best served applying that skill by selecting more stocks, not fewer. Finally, we tested mutual fund performance as a function of various levels of portfolio concentration as measured by number of holdings and found that, historically, increased diversification yielded higher returns.

Global equity investing:The benefits of diversification and sizing your allocation
In light of our quantitative analysis and qualitative considerations, we have demonstrated that domestic investors should consider allocating part of their portfolios to international equities. In determining how much to allocate between domestic and international equities, a helpful starting point for investors is global market-capitalization weight. In practice, many investors will consider an allocation below this starting point based on their sensitivity to a number of considerations, including volatility reduction, implementation costs, taxes, regulation, and their own preferences.

Exchange-traded funds: Clarity amid the clutter
ETFs offer an attractive, efficient way for investors to implement an investment strategy. ETFs’ broad acceptance in the market can be tied to their fundamental similarities with mutual funds, including their organizational structure, their strict regulatory framework, and, for many ETFs, their index-based nature. As a result, investors have used ETFs and mutual funds for similar purposes.

ETFs also possess important features stemming from the method by which investors transact in fund shares. Notably, secondary markets serve as an additional source of intraday liquidity for investors. Moreover, ETF market prices reveal valuable information about market conditions, including the level of transaction costs in the underlying markets and, with respect to international stock ETFs, a more current value of that ETF’s underlying securities. This means that the trading of ETFs represents an on-exchange source of liquidity at a mutually agreedupon price between market participants.

Warren Buffett's Letters to Berkshire Shareholders