2019年2月10日 星期日

Vanguard 2018 年報讀後感:先儲蓄、再平衡、有耐心

Vanguard 2018年寄給投資人的年報都有包含一篇現任總裁兼執行長(Mortimer J. Buckley )的信,主要講求投資紀律,包含三個要點:先儲蓄、再平衡、有耐心,言簡意賅,照著做就對了。

discipline noun (TRAINING)

B2 [ U ] training that makes people more willing to obey or more able to control themselves, often in the form of rules, and punishments if these are broken, or the behaviour produced by this training

Vanguard Total World Stock ETF (VT)
Annual Report | October 31, 2018

Dear Shareholder,

Over the years, I’ve found that prudent investors exhibit a common trait: discipline. No matter how the markets move or what new investing fad hits the headlines, those who stay focused on their goals and tune out the noise are set up for long-term success.

The prime gateway to investing is saving, and you don’t usually become a saver without a healthy dose of discipline. Savers make the decision to sock away part of their income, which means spending less and delaying gratification, no matter how difficult that may be.

Of course, disciplined investing extends beyond diligent saving. The financial markets, in the short term especially, are unpredictable; I have yet to meet the investor who can time them perfectly. It takes discipline to resist the urge to go all-in when markets are frothy or to retreat when things look bleak.

Staying put with your investments is one strategy for handling volatility. Another, rebalancing, requires even more discipline because it means steering your money away from strong performers and toward poorer performers.

Patience—a form of discipline—is also the friend of long-term investors. Higher returns are the potential reward for weathering the market’s turbulence and uncertainty.

We have been enjoying one of the longest bull markets in history, but it won’t continue forever. Prepare yourself now for how you will react when volatility comes back. Don’t panic. Don’t chase returns or look for answers outside the asset classes you trust. And be sure to rebalance periodically, even when there’s turmoil.

Whether you’re a master of self-control, get a boost from technology, or work with a professional advisor, know that discipline is necessary to get the most out of your investment portfolio. And know that Vanguard is with you for the entire ride.

Thank you for your continued loyalty.


Mortimer J. Buckley
President and Chief Executive Officer
November 16, 2018
